Carnegie Mellon University

LTI Ph.D. Dissertations

Click on a year to see the dissertations completed at the LTI that year.

Graduate Advisor Dissertation Employer Upon Graduation
James Fiacco Rosé Functional Components as a Paradigm for Neural Model Explainability
Graduate Advisor Dissertation Employer Upon Graduation
Chaitanya Ahuja Morency Communication Beyond Words: Grounding Visual Body Motion with Language Researcher, Meta
Prakhar Gupta Bigham Improving Reliability in Dialogue Systems Research Scientist, Google
Sachin Kumar Tsvetkov Optimization Methods For Modeling Diversity In Language Technologies Post-Doc AI2, Asst Professor, Ohio State University
Juncheng Billy Li Metze Towards Robust Large-scale Audio/Visual Learning Quantitative Researcher, Two Sigma Investment
Xinjian Li Watanabe, Black Low-Resource Speech Recognition for Thousands of Languages Research Scientist, Google
Kaixin Ma Nyberg Hybrid Knowledge Architectures for Question Answering NLP Researcher, Tencent AI Lab
Salvador Bedredín Medina Maza Hauptmann Talking us into the Metaverse: Towards Realistic Streaming Speech-to-Face Animation Research Scientist, Epic Games
Sanket Vaibhav Mehta Strubell Efficient Lifelong Learning in Deep Neural Networks: Optimizing Architecture, Training, and Data Research Scientist, Google
Chirag Nagpal Dubrawski Leveraging Heterogeneity in Time-to-Event Predictions Research Scientist, Google
Raphaël Olivier Raj Assessing and enhancing adversarial robustness in context and applications to speech security
Naoki Otani Hovy Leveraging Eventuality-Centric Implicit Knowledge for Natural Language Understanding Research Scientist, Megagon Labs
Hai Pham Póczos, Woodruff  Towards Efficient and Scalable Representation Learning Technical Staff, Reka AI
Torsten Wörtwein Morency Towards Improving Transparency in Multimodal Affect Perception
Donghan Yu Yang Leveraging Textual Semantics for Knowledge Graph Acquisition and Application Senior Researcher, Microsoft
Shikun Zhang Sadeh Understanding People’s Diverse Privacy Attitudes: Notification, Control, and Regulatory Implications TikTok
Zhisong Zhang Hovy, Strubell Exploring Language Structured Prediction in Resource-limited Scenarios
Zhong Zhou Waibel Massively Multilingual Text Translation for Low-Resource Languages
Graduate Advisor Dissertation Employer Upon Graduation
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