Carnegie Mellon University

Headshots of Bhiksha Raj and Rita Singh

March 25, 2024

Raj and Singh Honored by ISCA

LTI faculty members Bhiksha Raj and Rita Singh each receive recognition from the International Speech Communication Association

By Bryan Burtner

Bryan Burtner

Two LTI faculty members were honored this month by one of the top professional organizations for researchers in the field of spoken language processing.

The International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) recently announced its 2024 fellows, among them LTI Professor Bhiksha Raj. Raj was recognized with the prestigious honor for "contributions to robust speech recognition and other areas in speech and audio processing," according to an ISCA news release. Raj will be formally conferred with the title of ISCA Fellow at the Interspeech 2024 conference, which takes place September 1-5, 2024 in Kos, Greece.

Also honored by ISCA this year is LTI Associate Research Professor Rita Singh, who was elected ISCA Distinguished Lecturer

"The Distinguished Lecturer (DL) programme is an Outreach activity which funds ISCA scientists to undertake lecture tours to parts of the world where our research field is not well represented," an ISCA release explained. 

Singh will hold the title through December 31, 2025.