Injecting Learning into Work: Enhancing Career Advancement through Transformation of Professional Development in Technical Career Paths
Language Technologies for Education
By Carolyn Rosé
The experimental work in this project will be conducted within an online software development course that connects learners on campuses on multiple continents as well as in offerings of the course content to industry professionals attempting to retrain. This specific collaborative work paradigm adopted in this research and further developed under this research will afford unique opportunities for embedding learning during work and the ability to adjust the level of priority attached to learning vs productivity and thus creates the ideal social structure in which to conduct the scientific investigation. The research goals of the planned work are: (1) Discover how to develop technology for effectively manipulating the level of interdependence within team-based work, and in so doing to manipulate the trade-off between learning and productivity, and (2) Quantify the long term positive impact of learning in the short term on productivity in the long term so that it is possible to maximize productivity overall in the face of decreases in short term productivity in favor of learning.